Tuesday, November 12, 2013

This Week At Calvary

It has been weeks since I have updated the Worship Arts blog and I am without excuse. So it's time to start rolling with weekly updates once again.

This week at Calvary, Pastor Paul is continuing his series in Genesis, preaching through the second half of chapter 3. Our music will focus on the hope we have in Christ.

Once again we will be led in worship by Kyle Harrington. It is truly a great joy for me to see young men who have grown up at Calvary begin to take roles of leadership. I am privileged to join the band this week on acoustic guitar.

We will open the service singing Forever Reign by Hillsong. The lyrics of this song boldly declare the goodness of our Lord and our dependence upon Him for everything in life.

We will also be singing Jesus Paid It All from the Passion movement. This song talks about the atonement and erupts in doxology with the closing line Oh praise the One who paid my debt and raised this life up from the dead.

Before the message we will sing the Sovereign Grace song Grace and Peace. The lyrics are filled with awe and wonder that the grace of God would come to me, the vilest of sinners.

After the message we will close the service with the Sovereign Grace song What A Savior which is an arrangement of the Philip Bliss hymn, Hallelujah What A Savior. Again we explore the theme of the atonement and the place that has been made for us in Christ.

I pray that you will find joy and peace in Christ this week and come ready to engage together with God on Sunday with great zeal.

Soli Deo Gloria,
Pastor Trent

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